Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 2

Woke up this morning and took care of business...then went right into the salt water. I was really not looking forward to it, but it did go down easier than the day before. I felt that my energy level had increased and the cravings I experienced yesterday evening were not there anymore. Yesterday, I psyched myself in order to prepare for what the book called one of the hardest days, but was pleasantly surprised on how easy it actually was. For the most part, I felt great. I did fall asleep after work for about thirty minutes and when I awoke, all of my cravings came back. The hunger was not there, but I was actually considering stopping the cleanse and heading out to get as much food as humanly possible to devour immediately. I remembered reading in one of the books that when this occurred, one should drink the lemonade and wait around seven minutes for the cravings to cease. This did help, and for the rest of the evening, I have felt fine. Since the final lemonade, I have had a glass of water to drink to keep the "full" feeling at all times. My tongue has turned white, which is a detox symptom, but I have not felt any of the other symptoms mentioned in the materials I have read such as headaches and burning in my stomach. On a different note, I weighed myself this afternoon...and...I lost five pounds from yesterday! I was extremely excited about this, and I believe this will help to keep me motivated. This cleanse was not about losing weight, but it is a definite plus. I do not expect to keep that number everyday, but every pound counts. I am about to hit the sack and I'm at the twenty percent mark of the minimum amount suggested for the cleanse and ten percent for my personal goal of twenty days. I think I can, I think I can....The books also named day three as a hard one. Hopefully, it will be similar to today. The days after three promise to be craving free!

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