Tuesday, May 12, 2009

They say Day 3 is the hardest

Well, day three is coming to an end. I definitely had cravings. Through out the day, I dreamed about ribs, pizza, tacos, Chinese food, pasta, a can of cold, unseasoned green beans (basically anything that I could chew and it would fill my stomach!) I am only drinking the minimum number of lemonades each day, which is six ten-ounce glasses. Anywhere from five to ten minutes after the lemonade, my cravings cease. I'm going to try and increase the number of glasses of lemonade tomorrow. Also, if I drink water in between the lemonade, I maintain the full feeling.

My tongue has turned white. This is one of the detox systems mentioned in the books. All I'm going to say is that it is not very pleasant. I found, though, that brushing my teeth(and tongue) several times throughout the day helps dramatically. Day four promises to be much better; my body is suppose to adjust to the diet, and the cravings are suppose to be gone.

The hardest part of this whole ordeal is the fact that food surrounds us at all times. If it's not being advertised on television, someone on the television show is eating. I sat in a meeting at the Elks lodge tonight, drinking my lemonade while the rest ate spaghetti. Everyone who knows I'm on the diet finds it humorous that I can't eat, so they love to ask, "Hey, let's go get some lunch." I stated in earlier entries that losing weight was not the reason I was doing this, and it's still not. However, I think the reason has changed. I was hoping to try and purify my body. Now, I think it has become a test on my will power. I only hope that I can pass the test(especially since I have fifty bucks riding on this!)

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work Ryan! You can do it! Tell those smartass folks who say "lets go get some lunch" to piss off!
