Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finally, a good day

I'm tired, and so I'm going to keep this short. The fourth day was the best, by far. Had very few cravings, all of which were quickly stopped with the lemonade. The herbal tea made me get up early, but I have not taken a nap and have had full energy all day. We had a poker night this evening and David Gammill cooked fried fish, hush puppies and french fries. I sat through twenty or so guys eating this all around me, and never once attempted to eat any. To me, this is a great accomplishment! I would like to thank everyone who has been supportive and taken the time to read this. You will never know how far a simple statement of encouragement goes on a quest such as this. Tomorrow marks the half way point for the minimum ten day requirement. I have changed my goal from twenty to ten, not because I do not think I can make it, but for the fact that I am a groomsmen in a good friend of mines wedding on May 23. I do not want to miss all of the festivities because of this cleanse. However, I do think that I will try this cleanse again; maybe even later this year. I encourage anyone looking to become healthier, find some additional energy and shed a few pounds to try this. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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