Friday, May 15, 2009

Start of the weekend...

Here we are, Friday night...usually, I'm ecstatic; however, I'm just not feeling too good. If you thought I was sick of that lemonade yesterday, today I think it's the most vile thing ever created. You can have up to twelve glasses everyday, and are suppose to have a minimum of six. Today, I've only had four. I may never want to see maple syrup, cayenne pepper, or lemons ever again, and definitely not mixed together! I have four more days left. Compared to the six already passed, it doesn't seem too bad, but it feels like an eternity. Too make it worse, I have to go to a crawfish boil tomorrow. Everyone will be eating and drinking(beer!) and having a merry time. If you think that I'm sounding bitter, well, maybe I am.

I weighed myself this morning and the total weight loss is around fifteen pounds. My pants are lose again. I'm on the last hole on my belt. I do feel better than I did before. I truly do believe that this cleanse is a good thing. I don't believe I could do it without the support of my wife, Amanda. She's the one who reminds me to follow through with what I start, to be fair with myself, and to know that it all will better soon. She's my rock.

I would also like to thank everyone again who has read this blog and has given additional support along the way. Having the support of my friends has comforted me in knowing that I am not alone. As many of you are right now enjoy food and drink, I head to the kitchen to fix one last glass of crap. Good night everyone. Have a blessed weekend.

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