Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today would have been Day 10

That's right...would have been. I decided to end it. Amanda and I were invited to a graduation party on Saturday. When we arrived, I was soon asked to help grill the chicken wings and sausage. It would have been hard to say no, due to the fact that the guy who asked has helped me on numerous occasions. So, I cooked around 60 wings and three packages of sausage. After grilling, I sat and drank the lemonade while everyone ate crawfish, chicken wings, and everything else you can imagine(all the while drinking cold beer!) When we left the party, I still was on the cleanse, but I knew that I had enough. When I came home and Amanda drove off for play practice, I began eating some saltine crackers (I know...a whole week of no eating and the first thing I grab is crackers...I didn't want to get sick!)

So, three days after coming off the cleanse and I still feel great. I am back eating regularly. This morning I was up around six and felt like going to the gym. I have gained back two pounds from the fifteen I lost, but I expected this. I have began weight watchers with Amanda, and so I hope to not only maintain the weight lost, but maybe lose a few more pounds.

I have had a few people ask about trying the cleanse. I think it is definitely worth it, but you must have a strong will power. I didn't last the minimum ten days and hold anyone who can go the ten days in the highest regards. The lemonade gets really old after a few days. There is always people eating around you. You'll begin craving foods you never thought you would. But the rewards make it all worthwhile. To get the basics on the cleanse, go to www.themastercleanse.org. I am happy to answer any questions on it and also have two books that I am willing to lend out(I have already promised them to two people.) I do plan to continue to write in this blog. Come to find out, I actually enjoy it!


  1. You made a good run! And maybe you can consider trying it again later on. I feel you about the lemonade...I can't stand the sight of jello or popcicles after 5 days of nothing but that. (from my tonsillectomy)

    OH and I was determined to eat oreo's and cracker jacks as soon as I healed. Things that I don't normally eat, but I was contstantly thinking of simply because I couldn't have them!

    Enjoy your upcoming trip!

  2. Congratulations! WW is a good lifestyle change! Keep up the good work!
