Sunday, May 10, 2009

The real reason...

OK, I started this "blog" in order to keep up with and share the diet I have started. I have informed most of my close friends what I am undertaking. In hopes of gaining support and ideas from everyone, I am going to type in this blog daily on how I feel, both mentally and physically. The diet I am referring to is the Master Cleanse. It's actually more like a body detox than a diet. I have been asked, "What are you doing this for?" and I really do not have an answer other than "just because." During the dreaded tax season, I began feeling bogged down and groggy all the time. More than likely, this was due to the long hours and stress, but I thought it was time to do something good for my body and health. I always attempt to exercise on a regular basis and eat healthy, but it doesn't happen all the time and here recently, both have happened rarely.

Here's the nitty gritty; I start my day with a quart(32-ounces) of salt water. Then, throughout the remainder of the day I drink a lemonade mixture(freshly squeezed lemon, maple syrup and Cayenne pepper) in ten ounce glasses up to twelve times a day. In the evening, right before bed, I drink a herbal tea. That's it for ten days. No solid foods, and no variations from day to day. I started with the herbal tea last night, which was not very good. The salt water this morning was much worse and the lemonade, which was an improvement from the tea and salt water, did not taste much better. I did not have any hunger pains for the day, but I did crave all kinds of "bad" food, such as a big, juicy hamburger with all the trimmings and a plate full of fries. I endured while my family eat a big lunch and I drank the lemonade. Amanda and I took my mother-in-law out to La Fiesta for a nice dinner this evening. I did not break. My energy level did not change for the day. I took all of my measurements and weighed myself...hopefully, I will see some changes at the end of the ten days. From the books I have read on this cleanse, I should expect days two, three and/or seven to be the worse. A few people have monetarily waged I will not make it. I hope to prove them wrong. I would like to think I have the mental strength and will power to prove them wrong. Tomorrow is a new day. Let's wait and see what it shall bring!

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